
Getint (autolisp Autocad For Mac

An integer value (a bit-coded field) that controls the behavior of the dialog box. To set more than one condition at a time, add the values together to create a flags value between 0 and 15. The following flags arguments are recognized by getfiled: 1 (bit 0) Prompt for the name of a new file to create. Do not set this bit when you prompt for the name of an existing file to open.

Autocad Autolisp Commands

In the latter case, if the user enters the name of a file that doesn't exist, the dialog box displays an error message at the bottom of the box. If this bit is set and the user chooses a file that already exists, AutoCAD displays an alert box and offers the choice of proceeding with or canceling the operation. 4 (bit 2) Let the user enter an arbitrary file name extension, or no extension at all. If this bit is not set, getfiled accepts only the extension specified in the ext argument and appends this extension to the file name if the user doesn't enter it in the File text box. 8 (bit 3) If this bit is set and bit 0 is not set, getfiled performs a library search for the file name entered. If it finds the file and its directory in the library search path, it strips the path and returns only the file name.

(It does not strip the path name if it finds that a file of the same name is in a different directory.) If this bit is not set, getfiled returns the entire file name, including the path name. Set this bit if you use the dialog box to open an existing file whose name you want to save in the drawing (or other database). 16 (bit 4) If this bit is set, or if the default argument ends with a path delimiter, the argument is interpreted as a path name only.


The getfiled function assumes that there is no default file name. It displays the path in the Look in: line and leaves the File name box blank.

32 (bit 5) If this bit is set and bit 0 is set (indicating that a new file is being specified), users will not be warned if they are about to overwrite an existing file. The alert box to warn users that a file of the same name already exists will not be displayed; the old file will just be replaced. 64 (bit 6) Do not transfer the remote file if the user specifies a URL. 128 (bit 7) Do not allow URLs at all.

Cad software for mac

Return Values If the dialog box obtains a file name from the user, getfiled returns a string that specifies the file name; otherwise, it returns nil. Examples The following call to getfiled displays the Select a Lisp File dialog box.

Click a folder in the column on the left and then click a picture in the area on the right. You have at least three other ways to change your Desktop picture: Drag a picture file from the Finder onto the image well (the little rectangular picture to the left of the picture’s name). Desktop picture screensaver. Got a family photo that you'd love to look at every time you turn on your Mac? You can use Photos for Mac to set your desktop picture for you! Setting your desktop is as simple as selecting the photo you want to use and clicking the Share button in the toolbar, then selecting the 'Set Desktop Picture' option.