Ivideo Converter V2.1.7 For Mac
IVideo for Mac helps you easily locate, organize, and play back all of your video files. The application supports all known video formats and offers plenty of options for customizing video files and the way you search for them. Since it's around 30MB in size, iVideo for Mac takes a couple of minutes to download. After a quick installation, the app opens to a basic but neat video organizer. The interface is customizable and you can show or hide a sidebar and information bar to your right. In the upper-right corner there is a search option, which helps you quickly locate files and then sort them based on name, author, album, genre, tags, notes, and location. In the upper-left corner there are options for displaying videos as well as a play option.
During video playback, apart from the usual controls, there are options to set the size and speed of your videos, too. You can also check which videos are coming up by clicking on the button in the upper-right corner.
Additionally, there are options to add files to your iVideo library, rate videos, as well as to add online videos from popular video sharing Web sites such as YouTube or Vimeo. The program also easily locates and displays duplicate files and is able to convert files to most known formats such as AVI, MOV, WAV, DV, 3GP, and MP4. During testing, the application offered good playback and performed any given task well. IVideo for Mac would be greatly appreciated by users with large video collections as it will help them easily sort their files, locate duplicates, organize videos and movies with easily accessible libraries, and much more. Editors' note: This is a review of the full version of iVideo for Mac 6.1.1.
The trial version is limited to 10 days. IVideo is the best way to find, play, and share your videos on OS X.
Organize videos across multiple hard drives and websites, all from one place. Browse your videos by thumbnail, list, or gallery view. Find videos by name, author, album, genre, tag, note, or location. Play multiple videos in a row automatically, and choose a default video player. IVideo remembers the current position and selected sound track for every video. Select and watch videos using the Apple Remote.
Create multiple smart libraries for powerful organization. Convert videos to new formats, with custom presets and three-second previews. Share your video library across your local network.
You can subscribe to this list. Revision: 25513 Author: thebolt00 Date: 2006-10-01 14:48:22 -0700 (Sun, 01 Oct 2006) Log Message: -Marten merged r25446 into 1.0. Revision: 25512 Author: thebolt00 Date: 2006-10-01 14:43:55 -0700 (Sun, 01 Oct 2006) Log Message: -Marten merged r25445 into 1.0. Revision: 25509 Author: thebolt00 Date: 2006-10-01 14:30:45 -0700 (Sun, 01 Oct 2006) Log Message: -Marten merged r25436 into 1.0. Modified Paths: - CS/branches/release/V1.0/docs/history.txt CS/branches/release/V1.0/docs/history10.txt CS/branches/release/V1.0/include/cssysdef.h Modified: CS/branches/release/V1.0/docs/history.txt - CS/branches/release/V1.0/docs/history.txt 2006-10-01 21:29:01 UTC (rev 25508) CS/branches/release/V1.0/docs/history.txt 2006-10-01 21:30:45 UTC (rev 25509) @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ individual changes for each given day, however, are in normal (ascending) chronological order. +23-Sep-2006 + - Marten disabled global overridden malloc and free. 22-Sep-2006 - Jorrit changed the built-in force effector for new particles so that the random acceleration is now a vector.

That means you can Modified: CS/branches/release/V1.0/docs/history10.txt - CS/branches/release/V1.0/docs/history10.txt 2006-10-01 21:29:01 UTC (rev 25508) CS/branches/release/V1.0/docs/history10.txt 2006-10-01 21:30:45 UTC (rev 25509) @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ - Marten merged r25313 into 1.0 (ptpdlight fix). Marten merged r25411 into 1.0. Marten merged r25435 into 1.0.
+ - Marten merged r25436 into 1.0. 30-Sep-2006 - res backed pseudo-instancing out of 1.0: it's a somewhat hacky implementation and at the moment rarely, if at all, used. Revision: 25506 Author: thebolt00 Date: 2006-10-01 13:55:35 -0700 (Sun, 01 Oct 2006) Log Message: -Marten merged r25313 into 1.0 (ptpdlight fix). Modified Paths: - CS/branches/release/V1.0/docs/history.txt CS/branches/release/V1.0/docs/history10.txt CS/branches/release/V1.0/plugins/proctex/ptpdlight/ptpdlight.cpp Modified: CS/branches/release/V1.0/docs/history.txt - CS/branches/release/V1.0/docs/history.txt 2006-10-01 16:57:10 UTC (rev 25505) CS/branches/release/V1.0/docs/history.txt 2006-10-01 20:55:35 UTC (rev 25506) @@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ - res fixed cspace.so.dbg being tried to be split off before cspace.so is built when installing. Fixes trac #11. res added debug info splitting for the CS JNI library. + - res changed ptpdlight to #include as per SFbug:1546141.
Ivideo Converter V2.1.7 For Mac Pro
David Bronke fixed some warnings about unused variables and member initialization order, and added const keyword to csArray::Iterator::HasNext and csArray::ConstIterator::HasNext. Modified: CS/branches/release/V1.0/docs/history10.txt - CS/branches/release/V1.0/docs/history10.txt 2006-10-01 16:57:10 UTC (rev 25505) CS/branches/release/V1.0/docs/history10.txt 2006-10-01 20:55:35 UTC (rev 25506) @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ individual changes for each given day, however, are in normal (ascending) chronological order. +1-Oct-2006 + - Marten merged r25313 into 1.0 (ptpdlight fix). 30-Sep-2006 - res backed pseudo-instancing out of 1.0: it's a somewhat hacky implementation and at the moment rarely, if at all, used.
Modified: CS/branches/release/V1.0/plugins/proctex/ptpdlight/ptpdlight.cpp - CS/branches/release/V1.0/plugins/proctex/ptpdlight/ptpdlight.cpp 2006-10-01 16:57:10 UTC (rev 25505) CS/branches/release/V1.0/plugins/proctex/ptpdlight/ptpdlight.cpp 2006-10-01 20:55:35 UTC (rev 25506) @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@./ #include 'cssysdef.h' +#include #include 'ivideo/graph3d.h' #include 'ivideo/graph2d.h' This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site. Revision: 25505 Author: caedesv Date: 2006-10-01 09:57:10 -0700 (Sun, 01 Oct 2006) Log Message: - removed stdtex.zip from data/Jamfile. Revision: 25503 Author: res2002 Date: 2006-10-01 07:20:45 -0700 (Sun, 01 Oct 2006) Log Message: - res fixed some locals in CS::TriangleIndicesStream to use the template parameter. Modified Paths: - CS/trunk/docs/history.txt CS/trunk/include/csgfx/trianglestream.h Modified: CS/trunk/docs/history.txt - CS/trunk/docs/history.txt 2006-10-01 14:18:04 UTC (rev 25502) CS/trunk/docs/history.txt 2006-10-01 14:20:45 UTC (rev 25503) @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ with new interface.
Ivideo Converter V2.1.7 For Mac Free
The new improved implementation of threading should now be fully functional. res silenced more MSVC deprecation warnings. + - res fixed some locals in CS::TriangleIndicesStream to use the + template parameter. 30-Sep-2006 - res fixed some MSVC warnings.