Winsock Packet Editor (wpe Pro For Mac
I throught i create this tutorial To make it easier to understand how it actualiteit workshop -ULTIMATE WINSOCK PACKET EDITOR PRO TUTORIAL- I Introduction and Required Files II Basic Overview of WPE Pro III Understanding Packets IV Sniffing Packets V Sending Packets VI Filtering Packets PART I - Introduction and Required Files Winsock Packet Editor Pro (referred to as WPE Pro) is a packet editing utility used for many purposes related to network analyzation, security, and game hacking (which is what will be covered in this tutorial). WPE Pro analyzes, or 'captures' packets (data) sent and recieved over a network, in this case the internet. Packets are divided into raw bytes which are hex codes which give issue commands for the server to execute (SENT packets), or issue commands for the client to execute (RECIEVED packets). Game hackers can use WPE Pro to modify the packets sent/recieved by the client or to send a single or set of packet(s) to a server. Modifying packets can completely change the outcome of the action taken by the client/server to the advantage of the player. To recieve a copy of WPE Pro go to The WPE thread i made and download it PART II - Basic Overview of WPE Pro In this section, I will briefly describe the functions available in WPE Pro.
Note that more information on these functions will be explained later on in this tutorial. Target Program - This will allow you to select the process to capture packets from (Your game client's.exe file) If you cannot find your game client in the process list, you need to grant WPE Pro system access with Perm Edit. Trace Console - This consists of a Play Button, Pause Button, and Stop Button which will start, pause, and stop packet analyzation (or sniffing). It also displays a buffer gauge which shows how much of your network resources are being used by the game client, and a Packet gauge showing how many packets have been captured by WPE Pro. (Click on 'Trace Console' next to 'Target Program' to show/hide this feature).
Wpe Pro 0.9 Download
You can also use the Detail tab to display a more detailed packet capture display telling how many packets captured were Sent, SendTo, Recieved, RecievedFrom. To return to the default gauges click the 'Gauge' tab.

Actions Console (Filters)- This display by default your Packet Filters (which are used to modify or change packets). In this console you can double click a filter to change the settings of the filter. To start filtering (modifying) the packets just click the 'On' button at the top of this console and click 'Off' to stop filtering. (Note that packet filters cannot be edited while the packet filter feature is ON. You can also Save, Save As, or Open with the Folder and Disk Icons. The 'X' Icon will erase the selected filter, and the Trash Can Icon will erase all filters in the list.
Actions Console (Send) - Clicking the 'Send' tab in the Actions Console will display the 'Send List' which can be used to send a list or single packet to the server any amount of times (1 time - Continuously Send). To add a packet to be sent to the server click the Blank Page icon, and input the data to be sent to the server. Make sure the 'size' of the packet is the size of the original packet and identical to the original packet you captured that you wish to send.
You can also save/open packet lists in this window for future use of the same hack you have created. The start/stop buttons will start or stop a packet send. Make sure that you set the socket ID for the packet before sending to the server or it will result in error (see 'Sending Packets' below). Packet Data Window - After you capture packets and hit the stop button, a window will appear with the information captured. It will display the source of the packet, the destination of the packet, the packet size, all the bytes in the packet, and whether it was a Send, SendTo, Recv, RecvFrom packet.
Winsock Packet Editor (wpe Pro For Mac)
Here is where you will collect information for building Send Lists or Packet Filters. Upon selecting a packet, all the data will be shown in the bottom half of the window (which is useful for packets that will not fit in the top half of the window as it only shows the first 42 or so bytes of the packet) To save the list of packets captured, you can save a text file in the 'File' dropdown menu with FileSave AsText File I always use Hide IPs as it is easier to compare this way. PART III - Understanding Packets First of all, before thinking 'Hey, I get it now lets go hack me 80 Billion Gold, Buy Uber Weapons, Hack my character to level 999 and sell my account on EBay' STOP. It's not gonna happen like that and you are better off reading the rest of this tutorial before even attempting something so childish.but if you must go waste an hour of your life and than come back to this tutorial. Before you hack the world mr. Hot head, you must understand a packet and how the client and server reacts to them.
A packet consists of bytes which are hex-based codes ranging from 00 to FF in hex. If you do not understand Hex I will give a little example but will not linger on the subject (if you don't understand use Google) 00 - 09 are just that.0 - 9.but 10 in hex is not really ten, but 16.0A is 10 in hex. Below is a little table to help understand Hex Codes: 00 - 0 01 - 1 02 - 2 03 - 3 04 - 4 05 - 5 06 - 6 07 - 7 08 - 8 09 - 9 0A - 10 0B - 11 0C - 12 0D - 13 0E - 14 0F - 15 10 - 16 11 - 17 12 - 18 13 - 19 14 - 20 15 - 21 16 - 22 17 - 23 18 - 24 19 - 25 1A - 26 1B - 27 1C - 28 1D - 29 1E - 30 1F - 31 and so forth all the way up to FF which is 255. Every byte in the packet feeds the server information on what action to is an example packet which is not real or belonging to any game at all, but just an example. 20 00 3A 4C 00 The first byte (20) or two bytes (20 00) USUALLY tell the server which action to perform.lets pretend the first two bytes 20 00 tell the server to move the character (I know this because I sniffed packets of only moving the player around and taking no other action and they all started with the same two bytes). The bytes following a command are arguments or parameters for the command 'Move Player' meaning the programmer made the game to accept three arguments for the command 'Move Player' (assuming this is a basic packet structure.some programmers have better security than a plain packet like the one in the example, but moving on.) PART IV - Sniffing Packets Using the example made up game from above I will teach you how to Sniff and do a basic analysis on packets. After Targeting your client program (Click 'Target program' 'You Game Client's.exe Here') Click the 'Play Button' on the Console window.

Go back to the game client, and move other direction, just up.