Mcs Applications And Utilities For Mac
For All Things Citrix. This company's DR strategy is to use Vmware SRM to replicate VM's/SAN to another Datacenter for DR. I am currently putting in MCS and PVS for them. My DR procedure for PVS has always been to have a single PVS farm with multiple sites x2 PVS servers per site then use robocopy scripts/DFS-R to copy the Vdisks to all the PVS servers in farm to there Store (Local D: drive on each PVS server). Each Site has there own device collections and the bootstrap is configured with both PVS servers in the specific site with Load balancing set up on the Vdisk.
There is separate DHCP infrastructure in both datacenters. SQL i use Always on or Mirroring for the PVS Database. How would SRM function for PVS? They have told me the servers that are being replicated would have the same IP/Names but wouldn't they be new VM's and have different mac addresses?
Any other things i need to consider? Also MCS i cant see how this work if they were to replicate the Master image VM as when you provision workloads from a MCS Master image they are linked clones and the hosting connection / GUIDS / Hosting units for the connection to Vcenter are stored in the Database so if you change Vcenter/Datacenter/Cluster/Datastore you have to setup a new hosting connection to the new Vcenter/Resources and recreate the catalog.

For MCS i have always copied the Master image VM over to the secondary datacenter then sysprepped it and give it a new name and re join to AD and reinstall the VDA and then create a new snapshot and then create a new DR Catalog and provision machines from the new snapshot with a hosting connection setup to the DR Vcenter? Anyone used SRM with MCS? Whats people's DR strategy for MCS.
Before Apple introduced Notification Center in OS X Mountain Lion, apps communicated new information to users with Growl. For various reasons, Apple's version has not yet cornered the market— many popular apps like instant messager Adium and streaming music player Spotify still rely on Growl for notifications. Growl has some advantages over Notification Center for users as well: notifications can be skinned and resized, for instance, and their contents can be synthesized as speech by OS X's built-in voice synthesis engine. For those who want notifications from the apps that still use Growl but prefer to keep things organized, Growl can now act as a proxy, sending updates to Notification Center. Formerly a free download, Growl is in the Mac App Store as a 6.8-megabyte download. The Unarchiver Extract compressed files. OS X ships with a built-in compressed file extraction utility aptly named Archive Utility, and while it works well, it has some limitations.
Archive Utility's list of supported file formats is slim, and it has been known to suffer performance issues on large zip files or with files created in non-Roman languages. Enter its equally-aptly-named alternative, The Unarchiver. The Unarchiver is a speedy drop-in replacement for Archive Utility that adds support for nearly 100 older or less popular compressed file formats like 7-Zip and RAR as well as disk image archives like ISO, BIN, and Microsoft's MSI. The Unarchiver is a free, from the Mac App Store. Alfred Keyboard shortcuts for everything. Alfred began life as a replacement for Quicksilver, a popular program that helped users to quickly perform system actions like launching apps using only the keyboard.
Quicksilver, despite its then-immense popularity, fell into disrepair around the release of Snow Leopard and Alfred rose to Quicksilver's place. Thanks to its laundry list of plugins and highly scriptable nature, Alfred can be configured to perform nearly any task with a few simple keystrokes.
Even if users choose not to take advantage of its more advanced features, Alfred makes it faster and easier to launch applications, find contacts, create new email drafts, and search the web out of the box. Basic Alfred functionality can be had with a free download from, though a £17 ($28) purchase is required to unlock its more advanced features such as Automator-style worflows. AppCleaner Completely uninstall apps. Though Mac apps are often distributed as single-file bundles that can be installed by simply dragging-and-dropping them into your Applications folder, uninstalling those apps is not always as easy. Apps can create related files in many locations around OS X, and Apple does not provide a central 'uninstaller' for apps that were not purchased from the Mac App Store. Many third-party 'uninstaller' utilities are available, but AppCleaner is the best. It works quickly and easily— just drag an app onto its window and AppCleaner will find and display all of its related files, then remove them with a singel click.
AppCleaner is a free download from its developer at. VLC Play back nearly any video file. OS X's built-in media player, QuickTime Player, is speedy and well-designed but offers limited support for different types and encodings of media. While some may advocate installing a codec pack that expands QuickTime Player's reach, we recommend usurping QuickTime Player's role entirely with stalwart alternative VLC. Sony pcg 6j2l drivers for mac. VLC is a cross-platform, open source media player created by the non-profit VideoLAN organization.
Disk Utilities For Mac

Applications Utilities Disk Utility
Put simply, VLC plays absolutely everything you can throw at it— from 3GP videos recorded on early-2000s camera phones to 4K video streams and even corrupted files, rare is the file that will trip VLC up. If you plan to watch video on your Mac, VLC is the app to use. VLC is a free download from.